Maker-關懷與世界-Boyan Salt
Boyan Salt: “If we want do something different, shouldn't we also have to think differently?" 荷蘭的Boyan Salt在16歲時,發現海洋垃圾的問題,剛好學校的自選專題研究,給了他一個深入探索的機會。原本以個人的力量製造個清海洋垃圾的網子,後來發現問題不只是這樣,所以他開始了他的Ocean CleanUP計畫,開始募資,在20歲時募得了200萬美金,不斷地改善技術,在全世界執行他的計畫。
18-year-old Boyan Slat combines environmentalism, entrepreneurism and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. After diving in Greece, and coming across more plastic bags than fish, he wondered; "why can't we clean this up?"
While still being on secondary school, he then decided to dedicate half a year of research to understand plastic pollution and the problems associated with cleaning it up. This ultimately led to his passive clean-up concept, which he presented at TEDxDelft 2012. Working to prove the feasibility of his concept, Boyan Slat currently gives lead to a team of approximately 50 people, and temporarily quit his Aerospace Engineering study to completely focus his efforts on The Ocean Cleanup.